Circular Letterpress Business Cards

These inspiring business cards were designed by the talented Illustrator Dan Jazzia, and the design is a perfect fit for letterpress. Produced with a deep impression that you can feel this design is letterpress at its very finest. With small details packed with a total of fifteen colours this business card stands out for its beautiful uniqueness. Business cards don’t need to be square, by going with these 2.5" circular cards the design only adds more flavor to its specialness.

These cards were created on thick 40pt bright white cotton and finished off with rich pink painted edges, making this cute card a perfect fit for a communications professional. The bright white cotton stock is our highest recommended stock for showcasing the crisp impression of the letterpress details, and shows off each individual colour to significant effect.

ClientDeanna Ross
Print OutputLetterpress, Colored Edges
Specialty ProcessesLetterpress,Painted Edges
Stock40pt Bright White Cotton
Approximate Price USD $1570
ClientDeanna Ross
Print OutputLetterpress, Colored Edges
Specialty ProcessesLetterpress,Painted Edges
Stock40pt Bright White Cotton
Approximate Price USD $1570
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